Oilers Electric offers a broad range of services including new construction, renovations, inspections - all the way down to installing a single outlet in your home or business. We offer the complete package and reassurance of our quality workmanship from Design stage through to the testing of the completed works.
Quality is at the core of our service provision whether it is within the disciplines of client liaison, project management, installation, testing and commissioning or training and demonstration. We strive to exceed client expectations in all areas of our business.
Our Service Includes:
- Residential Wiring
- Lighting Maintenance
- Parking Lot Lighting
- Service Upgrades
- Electrical Inspections
- Tenant Build Outs
- Sign Installation & Repair
- Sports Lighting
- Trenching
- Control Wiring
- Restaurant Specialists
- Energy Efficient Lighting Retrofits
- Commercial & Industrial Wiring
- Generator Installations/UPS Systems
- Fiber Optic & Data Cable Installation
- Bucket Truck, Auger, & Crane Service
- Emergency Service
- Design Build Services
- Municipal/Government Projects
- Fire Alarm Service and Installation
- We Service National Accounts